aqui traduce mis palabras a español

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit


domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010


"Poco a poco me siento mas yo misma"
Empezare mí escrito sin un titulo porque en  este momento en mi cabeza logran reposar tantas  ideas y pensamientos, que es difícil definirlos todos de una sola vez para hacer un titulo a mi compilación de pensamientos.
Amor, amore, love , liebe, no importa cómo le llamen a final de cuentas es algo que todos sentimos y experimentamos cuando menos una vez en la vida.
Amor al sexo, amor al trabajo, amor a la comida, amor a uno mismo, al final es amor. Pero en este ahora me limitare a hablar de ese tipo de amor al que todos sufrimos gozamos o maldecimos, el amor ese que nos hace creer o volar incluso idealizar al otro, (pero de eso de la idealización hablare más tarde)
 Pero bueno ¿que es el amor?
Si me limito a la buena explicación que mis amados filósofos me han dado puedo mostrarles que amor es esto:
 “Nietzsche dice que cuando amamos juntamos todas las mejores propiedades de las cosas más maravillosas y perfectas que consideramos en el mundo, y como estas son similares con el objeto es considerado como esa cosa maravillosa, ese algo perfecto.”
Ohh el buen NIETZSCHE siempre tuvo razón en acercar al amor a ese atributo perfecto, si así es perfección es amor, y es que cuando nos “enamoramos” o creemos hacerlo vemos a esa alguien como la obra maestra si le atribuimos tantas características buenas  que pensamos que eso es lo mejor que los dioses pudieron haber creado. Pero bien Nietzsche decía y con cierta acertividad solo así lo creemos solo así queremos creer que ese amor que esa persona ideal existe.
 Pero pensándolo mejor me hago este gran cuestionamiento ¿en realidad ese amor esa otra persona, esa llamada alma gemela realmente existe?
O solo es una idealización que para nuestro ser es mejor creer?
Ahora veamos cual la explicación biológica de lo que es llamado amor,  lo que nuestros tan dedicados psiquíatras se han afanado tanto en profesar y explicar de  manera tan  tajante y formal.
Porque así es ellos solo nos brindan una idea fría y precisa de lo que es el amor.  
“Una vez encontrada la persona más atractiva, el sistema nervioso se pone en marcha y se produce una descarga de feniletilamina, un compuesto de la familia de las anfetaminas que desata la pasión. Ella es la responsable de producir la excitación, la que hace que se produzca la dopamina, que es el neurotransmisor relacionado con el placer y la recompensa” (instituto de psiquiatría )
Esto antes citado tiene más coherencia no?
Pues claro todo ese coctel de drogas al activarse con esa persona deseada desata un frenesí de adrenalina que nos produce una placentera descarga de bienestar y bum! Ahí está  lo eh encontrado me he enamorado!
Y es que con tantas sensaciones placenteras es difícil resistirse no? Hasta el más débil cae rendido a este placer químico que se ha encontrado, es a partir en este momento cuando nuestro estimado y sobrevalorado concepto del amor nos da dos vertientes: el amor “verdadero” o solo una ilusión.
Y con mi experiencia hasta ente entonces puedo incluir que  ese amor ilusorio puede pasar muchas veces en nuestras vidas. Pero qué fácil es caer en manos de esto muchas veces, pero como no hacerlo si somos como un borrego con los ojos cegados ante tanta brillantez ilusoria.
De alguien alguna vez escuche peculiar frase “el amor no se acaba, solo cambia de persona” y bien tenía razón este ente al decirlo.
A lo largo de nuestra vida ese amor siempre existirá y decir esta palabra amor me refiero meramente por el momento, al amor hacia otra persona, ese que siempre existirá  que brincara de persona a persona con respecto a nuestra experiencia en la vida. A veces dura, a veces no tanto a veces perdura por años a veces solo por meses y porque no…. Por días, claro! Podemos amar solo un día, cuando esa sensación de felicidad palpita dentro de nuestro ser y queremos gritar queremos decir “te amo” hacia la persona que tenemos enfrente de nosotros.
Y  no juzgo hacia esas actitudes ya que cada uno de nosotros somos responsable y contamos con ese tan no a veces tomado en cuenta libre albedrio que da la entera libertad de volar nuestros pensamientos y por ende nuestra conducta hacia donde nosotros queramos, así que más da, qué más da si en un día, en una hora, en un solo segundo, queremos amar. No importa al fin  y al cabo seremos los únicos responsables  de esa consecuencia gratificante o tal vez no grata.
Puedo decir de manera personal que a lo largo de esta locura que llamamos vida, me he encontrado en ese camino tantas veces, y puedo decir que he llegado a la conclusión que no queda más que disfrutarlo tantas veces como pueda suceder y no atormentar a nuestra mentes y nuestro ser , pensando en que manera suceda y como sucede.
Pero de una manera pienso fielmente que hay una persona un ser que te complementara, que te entenderá, que siempre será esa persona que encontraras cuando tu alma y tu ser se encuentren sin rumbo. Puedes estar con alguien mas y sentirlo si así bien es el amor libre, sin restricción ni ataduras solo es amor y solo uno mismo sabe lo que sucede dentro de tu mente y tu corazón. Corazón claro ese es nuestro simbolismo de amor.
Así que si pienso de manera les podre decir… ¿amor? De eso solo tú y nadie más que tú lo sabes, y depende de ti vivirlo disfrutarlo y gozarlo de la manera en la que mejor te parezca.

“he olvidado lo que quería y mi pensamiento incorpóreo regresa a la locura temporal”

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

work in process

those reactions, 
decisions adapted to that frenzy..
sometimes we discover something we did not even know it was there inside of ourselves
sometimes it feels great sometimes it feels awful

I’ll be the garden, you’ll be the snake
All of my fruit is yours to take
Better the devil that you know
Your love for me will grow

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Whatever we put out in the Universe is what comes back to us.

If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, Friendship...Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend.

I don't give a flying fuck what all of you haters think about  me, in fact all of you make me stronger,and a better  person, isn't my fault i'm Gorgeous, smart, SUCCESSFUL, WANTED, if that bothers you is your problem not mine, but i can't and won't stop going higher because of the jealousy and envy all you feel about me.
I know i'm he best and you are not but you have to live with that..
From my part you won't  get anything bad, only positives vibes and L-O-V-E because that's the type of person i am! so GOOD LUCK!:D

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010


 i have an addiction,  and seems i can not get  enough of my  drog
how???  how???  how??  how???

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010


when i love , i do it hard 
when i love , i do not think  i just feel
when i love , i feel pleased, so then i try my hardest to make you feel the same,
when i love , you have me, you own me , you posses me 
when i love , i  give you my worst 
when i love i give you my best
when i love i feel in a frenzy 100 porcent of time 
when i love you are my time

i have forgotten what i wanted and now my  
disembodied thought goes back to the temporary insanity

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

this is how it is and how it has been



domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

the hedonism came back

An extremist cat

i'm a lover and i am a fighter
i get angry easily but i'm working on it
i party, sleep and think too much but i get my shit done
i have a weakness for sweet talkers, but i am learning and enforcing my boundaries
i don't let many people in, but once they are in they are there forever
i am strong and independent, and i have been broken
but never shattered.

lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010


 200 años de ser "libres"  por todos lados se encuentra este adjetivo la libertad, oh si la libertad!, pero el realidad lo somos, creo que no.
Aun asi en los ultimos dias, he llegado a percibir y sentir la inigualable belleza de mi Mexico lindo y querido, y es que es increible, sus colores y es que si, en todas sus variedades es algo que simplemente me fasina.
Caminando por las calles del centro historico logro percibir a mi gente que me atreveria a decir que es de las mas cordiales, siempre sonriendo, y aunque vengan adversidades siempre logramos si bien no estar excelente pues darle una buena cara a esta situaciones.
Que puedo decir, amo mi pais su belleza en cada aspecto y su cultura, esta cultura de gente guerrera que tras una "conquista" aun asi decidio  y persistio en conservarse tal y como es.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010

the inside and the outside...

how long  can you keep it with you?
i do not think that i can  for so long,

 however in this silence i am free.............

so many ideas, so many  of so many,
and at the end a whole lot of nothing..
nothing wich is something,
contradictions, what happen when you contradict yourself?
how  do you get there?
 in wich moment your ideas go opposite with other ideas?

i think i am going to  go faster

"Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world"

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

I AM ME....

In all the world,
there is no one else exactly like me -

everything that comes out of me is authentically mine,
I alone choose it - I own everything about me - my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions,
whether they be to others or to myself -
I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears -
I own all my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes. Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me - by so doing I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts -
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,
and other aspects that I do not know -
but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself,
I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and for ways to find out more about me - 

"However I look and sound, whatever I say and do,
and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me"
 If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought and felt turned out to be unfitting, I can discard that which I feel is unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that which I discarded
I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do.
I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be productive,
and to make sense and order out of the world of people and things outside of me - 

I own me, and therefore I can engineer me - 

I am me &

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

:) un cambio

Hay demasiadas cosas por delante, lo que sucede sucede, y no se pueden retrasar , posponer las decisiones del universo o  como sea que tu le llames,

vive el momento que es solo un momento ya sea de tristesa , alegria o incertidumbre, pero trata de sacarle el maximo de positividad de  ese preciso momento, no es tan dificil, mientras te llenes a ti mismo de cosas positivas , todo estara bien, buena cara a los dias dificiles, por que al final de eso , son solo dias , ratos , la vida es increible y nos brinda demasiadas cosas , como para solo regozijarnos en las negativas.

"No es artista el que pinta, si no el que es capaz de hacer de su vida un arte"

jueves, 29 de julio de 2010


It's funny how all the events in life are all connected,

one thing that happens in your life leads you to another one,
it's like one little story, we are living  a script that has been already written, with thousands and thousands of caracters that make something, a difference in your life, they all fit together to make the story have sense, you might not pay attention  but all those diferent connectors are there,  since the person that  sold you the clothes you are wearing  right now, untill  that soul that marks your life forever....
Every smell,  flavor, pain, vision, enjoyment, sound, that you have experienced in your journey of life , has been there for a reason.
  take a little time to look back and you will why...

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Summer has arrived... fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars

All the universe in one grain of sand,
the summer has arrived.. and with it so many new things, i feel like a snake changing it's skin... and i have a repulsion to snakes,
however my skin is changing too.. i'm going into the same process of becoming something new, and now that i think about it, is very ironical...                                                  

what's what it makes it? how can u know when it happens?
i miss you, like the night without stars,
like you miss a beautiful morning,
being without you i swear to god that it hurts,
i miss you when i walk, when i cry ,when i laugh, when the sun shines,when is very cold,
because i feel you like something very mine.
i miss you like the trees miss the autumn,
in those nights when i can't sleep, you don't even know how much i miss you
i miss you in every step that i feel lonely,
in every moment that i am living day by day,
i am suffering because i miss you,
i miss you when the rainbow starts giving it's colors
i miss you with all your virtues and your mistakes,
for whatever reason you want, i don't know but i miss you.

so beautiful , so dangerous...

martes, 27 de abril de 2010

19 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity.

1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and point a
Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.

2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice.

3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want
Fries with that.

4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "In-Box."

5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.

6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Smuggling Diamonds

7. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."

8. Don't use any punctuation

9. As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk.

10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.

11. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."

12. Sing Along At The Opera.

13. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme

14. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.

15. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their
Party Because You're Not In The Mood.

16. Have Your Co-workers Address You By Your Wrestling Name, Rock Bottom.

17. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won!, I Won!"

18. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking lot,Yelling
"Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!"

19. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To
Have To Let One Of You Go."

thanks to Jessica Carby for giving me this...

martes, 20 de abril de 2010

going higher

this post in particular has an special dedication to one truly friend,, he asked me to write tonight so here it goes....

the most simple things in life are those that count and love the most
fasinated that is how i am now, overloaded could be also a good adjective to describe my state of mind, at this moment

i need to be cautious otherwise some of my words tonigh might be taken wrong..

wich i really do not care if that happens..

im keen observer of the strange human behaviour , there is nothing else in this world that i could enjoy the most than observing and analizing , is a quality that i have got without really wanting it, must be a talent i think, and i love it.

i always see "this" and "that"... then i start to wonder! yes i wonder some people will never imagine whats behind of this tiny little person that i seem to be, but i'm always overlooking , i'm glad that i do because exactly for that quality that i have, i'm able to figure out all those things in my head, those little bugs that are always hunting me, and asking me more more and more.

i'm always hungry for knowing more and more and when i satisfy that need i get pleased...


viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

And how do you feel about that? im feeling in the 3rd dimension

He asked to see how she was , then he regreted .

her knowledge was way too ahead from what he could perceive,

i'm just in there in 3rd dimension, i do not think anyone besides me can see it or feel it,

i have seen myself, from inside to outside and still can control that.

-in this silent , i have seen it-

It's just too much, sometimes i say that , i guees all the time, but still ,somehow i can't get rid from old habits, seems easy , in teory it is! " everything is easy as long as u want",


why most of time we want to believe such a bullshit, everything is easy no! it is not

we always like the most things that aren't "good" , but what is good and what is not good?

how people can dare to make a judgement about any fucking behaviour in particular?

we would live better if we could only let ourselves go by our true feelings and not by our judgements, always always our conscience, like if that helps, no it does not in the end make us to act like somebody that we are not.
*touch me in the morning, and melt my hearth at nigh*.

only if you can love, understand, feel and embrace
your loneliness you are going to able to understand something or somebody else

viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Morning feeling of freedom

So,this morning seems that im being, inspired by something out of the blue i got a little bug in my head, a good one of course , then i thought in FREEDOM, yes! just freedom whatever you want to express it , it is freedom in the end, we all perceive our freedom with different perspectives, that is the magic of it.

* the freedom to see and hear what is here , instead of what should be, was , or will be.

*the freedom of say what you feel and think, instead of what you should.

*the freedom to feel what you feel, instead of what you ought.

*the freedom to ask for what you want, instead of always waiting for permission.

*the freedom to take risk in your own behalf , instead of choosing to be only "secure" and not rocking the boat.