aqui traduce mis palabras a español

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit


jueves, 29 de julio de 2010


It's funny how all the events in life are all connected,

one thing that happens in your life leads you to another one,
it's like one little story, we are living  a script that has been already written, with thousands and thousands of caracters that make something, a difference in your life, they all fit together to make the story have sense, you might not pay attention  but all those diferent connectors are there,  since the person that  sold you the clothes you are wearing  right now, untill  that soul that marks your life forever....
Every smell,  flavor, pain, vision, enjoyment, sound, that you have experienced in your journey of life , has been there for a reason.
  take a little time to look back and you will why...

martes, 6 de julio de 2010