aqui traduce mis palabras a español

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit


jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011


-: What are we gonna do? Talk about me sex life?
Psychiatrist: Oh, no. I'm going to show you some slides and you're going to tell me what you think about them. Alright? 
-: Jolly good. Do you know anything about dreams? 
Psychiatrist: Something, yes. 
-: Do you know what they mean? 
Psychiatrist: Perhaps. Are you concerned about something? 
-: Oh, no, no... not concerned really. But I've been having this very nasty dream. Very nasty. 
Psychiatrist: Now, each of these slides needs a reply from somebody in the picture. You tell me what you think the person would say. Alright? 
-: Righty-right.  

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