aqui traduce mis palabras a español

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit


martes, 5 de julio de 2011

It will always be there

4 comentarios:


  2. haha! u know i have never been big fan of comercial trance. is ok thou! btw dnox and beckers have new album, :D

  3. Had the new album when it came it...the link to ferry might seem more commercial, but I know U know a good vibe when you hear it. Very talented DJ and made a good name for himself. Same thing dnox and beckers will in the next years.....we both know we will always be a fan even if they are " commercial trance" even though commercial trance is a double negative because all the music is still underground...hope all is well in VeracruzLand

  4. no ! never said, dnox was commercial not at all i said ferry corsen is, i do not like him at all i used to kinda hear him back when i was like 16 or something , but then i found the real cool shit hahaha, u cant compare him to dnox not at all i have watched him live so many times already and i still enjoy him :)
