aqui traduce mis palabras a español

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit

When i used to smoke i thought of you, then i quit


martes, 20 de abril de 2010

going higher

this post in particular has an special dedication to one truly friend,, he asked me to write tonight so here it goes....

the most simple things in life are those that count and love the most
fasinated that is how i am now, overloaded could be also a good adjective to describe my state of mind, at this moment

i need to be cautious otherwise some of my words tonigh might be taken wrong..

wich i really do not care if that happens..

im keen observer of the strange human behaviour , there is nothing else in this world that i could enjoy the most than observing and analizing , is a quality that i have got without really wanting it, must be a talent i think, and i love it.

i always see "this" and "that"... then i start to wonder! yes i wonder some people will never imagine whats behind of this tiny little person that i seem to be, but i'm always overlooking , i'm glad that i do because exactly for that quality that i have, i'm able to figure out all those things in my head, those little bugs that are always hunting me, and asking me more more and more.

i'm always hungry for knowing more and more and when i satisfy that need i get pleased...


2 comentarios:

  1. muchas Veces no es el echo de estar preguntandos variables si no nuestro estado de animo el que nos lleva a ese momento

    a veces mas propenso a que lo que pensemos sea positivo pues queremos comprender echos y saltar a lo real


  2. todo es relativo...
    siempre lo hemos dicho no???
